Monday, August 28, 2006

صرخ عليهن بالشتي يا ديب بلكي بيسمعوا

milk_carton_missing, originally uploaded by q80_demon.

In solidarity with Lil Alien, Q80-Chill Girl, Kuwaiti Demon & every blogger worried about Bu Maryoum’s unpredicted disappearance.

طالَ "انتظارُكَ" ما عوَّدتنا "صَبرا" - "أبا مريوم"، فارجع نحنُ نَنتظِرُ

شوقي بزيع بتصرف - من قصيدة جبل الباروك

انطلقت الجماهير التواقة لعودة المدون الكويتي أبو مريوم وكشف مصيره، في مظاهرة حاشدة غصت بها شوارع القاهرة، لم تقتصر جموعها على سكان العاصمة، بل حوت وفودا من السويس وبور سعيد والاسكندرية واسيوط والوادي الجديد والفيوم والمنوفية واسوان ودمياط ورشيد، اجتمعت لتحيل الشوارع المؤدية إلى ميدان التحرير إلى دلتا بشرية لم تقوى على تهدئتها قوات الشرطة المدعومة من قبل مكافحة الشغب، وانبحت حناجر المتظاهرين خلال هذه المظاهرة الشعبانية بالهتافات والصيحات كـ
مش هنرمض مش هنصوم
عاوزين رجعة بومريوم

كما لم يغب الشأن الاقليمي وحكايات التآمر التي صيغت في تسعينيات القرن الماضي عن المظاهرة التي لعلع فيها الناس بـ
يا اسرائيل يا مونيكا
عملتكم سودة في جرافيكا

هذا ولا تزال الاوساط التدوينية في الكويت والعواصم العربية تتباحث حول إصدار قرار أممي من مجلس الإمن تحت الفصل السابع، يؤكد ويدعو إلى بذل كافة الوسائل المتاحة من أجل إيجاد هذا المدون الذي أضحى رمزا للبهجة والسرور في عالم أحاطت به قوى الاستبداد والشرور..... مراسلكم من قلب ميدان التحرير - القاهرة

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Escueto, originally uploaded by Lou Rouge.

1- Are you happy with your blog layout as well as posts?

Sort of, I like the black background since the beginning, but I feel the sidebar is a bit crowded & needs trimming.

Let me say: satisfied, since most of my posts are not up to the level I want them to be at. Sometimes I think of a certain post as a step forward, while other posts seem like additions or updates :\

2- Does your immediate family know about your blog?

Yes, but they're –generally- infrequent readers, some of them call it "website", and some show an interest by reading other Kuwaiti blogs and having an intention to start their own.

3- Do you find it embarrassing to tell a friend about your blog?

No, my friends discuss my posts (every now & then) and ask me about updates.

4- Do you consider blogging a private matter?

Private in the sense of its origin (see: author), but if you come to think about it, we publish our posts to interact & share with the world, with no exception.

So, I think privacy is only found in our quasi-anonymous identities (nickname/alias/profile), while the rest is not ours but everyone else’s, or as G.K. Gebran put it:
أولادكم ليسوا لكم، أولادكم أبناء الحياة

5- Did blogging positively affect your thoughts?

Yes indeed, especially while reading other blogs. Everyday I learn something new, be it a new idea, technique, meal, story, news …etc you name it.

6- Do you visit the ones who usually visit you? Or do you open yourself to a bigger sphere in the Net?

I started reading a small number of blogs, by accessing them directly. Then I started to read posts from any Kuwaiti blog Safat sends me to.

Currently, I'm using RSS feeds (sage) to read updates from the blogs I like & enjoy, Kuwaitis & non-Kuwaitis alike.

7- Is the number of visitors important to you? Or you care more for your commentators?

I care about what people show interest in, by "analyzing" the “comments X visits” tendency, and by checking what people usually check or look for in my blog (through my stats).

8- Did you try to imagine your commentator's physical appearance?

No, but I imagine their "mental age" which is reflected in their posts & discussions. I prefer the experienced ones, you never regret reading or having a discussion with them, whether they share your viewpoints/beliefs or not.

9- Did you find a real benefit from blogging?

Nice people, knowledge, good time… Yes I did.

10- Do you feel that the blog-o-sphere is an isolated entity from the actions in the world around you?

When I took my first step in blogging, I thought it was. But after spending almost two months blogging, I found out that the blogosphere is not isolated (some exceptions exist). I think of it now as the “other side” and the rest as Plato’s cave, since bloggers have dual nationalities, the first in the physical world and a related one in “Cyberia”.

11- Does a commentator's criticism bother you, or do you think that criticism is a healthy debate?

It doesn’t if I did, said or expressed something I’m not sure or aware of. Because such criticism will help me to create a more comprehensive idea about what I post about, give me an opportunity to think through several points of view and present me to new frontiers.

What bothers me, or let me say “concerns me” is people’s opinions & stances that are merely built on unexamined information, prejudice or maliciousness.

Criticism is a beneficial mean, it opens new windows for our thoughts, so it’s welcome here.

12- Do you have paranoia toward some political blogs and do you try to avoid them? Were you shocked that some bloggers were arrested?

At ll, actually it’s like:
قطو وطقيته بمصير

As for arresting blogger, I feel sickened whenever I know about such incidents.

13- Have you ever thought about your blog's fate after your death?

Yes I did, as one of the things I thought about after my decease. My e-mails, blog, writings, pictures, notes, computers and several personal assets.

14- What is the song that you'd like to have it linked to your blog?

Marcel Khalife’s “Passport”. (Mahmoud Darwish’s Poem)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

من جزيرة لي جزيرة

Phi Phi - Map, originally uploaded by iDip.

The first patch of my vacation pics, a trip to Phi Phi Islands.

All I can say is that spending around 9 hours from an island to another. Swimming, snorkelling, sunbathing, wandering among locals, trying to get lost in a village-island and “cleansing” your eyes with breathtaking landscapes is PRICELESS!

I’ll let the pictures do the talking, hopefully. LINK

To be continued…

- Pictures are better viewed Large, so you won’t miss the details.
(Click on the “ALL SIZES” button above each pic)

- A Kuwaiti guy called his friends in Pattaya and said:
احنا في بوتك نتمشى من جزيرة لي جزيرة

so I decided to quote him.

Monday, August 14, 2006

ها نحن عدنا ننشد الهولو

Maya - Ver, originally uploaded by iDip.

Currently in: Kuwait.
Was in: Phuket (Thailand) & Dubai (UAE).
أدري مصختها
but I need more days to “rehabilitate” and work on the pictures I took during my vacation.

Fellow Bloggers… I missed you all :*

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Vacation 2006
and readers :)

Readings for tomorrow:
"Life goes on.." by yours truly (02-08-2005)
"تذكرت!؟" by Kila ma6goog (11-05-2006)

ربما حطمتم أبوابنا
ربما روعتم أطفالنا
ربما هدمتم البيت الكويتي جدارا فجدارا
غير أنّـا سوف نبقى
مثلما الأشجار تبقى
مثلما الأنهار والغابات
والوديان والأنجم تبقى
مثلما حرية الإنسان.. تبقى
سعاد الصباح

إيه يا سعاد... وهل يحس بالنار من لم يكتوي بها؟
ولم يفقد قريبا أو صديقا أو وطن
ولو ليوم... لشهر... أو سنين؟
آه يا لبنان... يا قانا... يا غزة... يا فلسطين
FREE KUWAIT.... Lebanon & Palestine!