Monday, November 27, 2006

من باب الوصل


Macbook naming dilemma:
1- I disqualified Brutus (Brute) due to reports about his conservative tendency. (not my cup of tea).

2- Almanzor (Al-Mansour) was disqualified too. He showed an unbounded ambition to reach the pinnacle of power in Andalucia -whatever the means were- and he achieved more than he ever thought. His ambition was tempting though.
ملحوقة يا ابن أبي عامر

3- The Macbook was THIS close to be named Sibawayh, but I decided not to, because Sibawayh is the nickname I chose for my alter ego. Only close friends (a.k.a. الأئمة المهديين) know what I mean.

4- The final stage is "Averroes vs. Gibran"
... to be continued


ونحنا يعني اسم الله!
بنربحه لضيف الله
blah blah blah

سؤال بريء: زيد أقرض سعيد، وعبيد اقترض من حميد، فمن أحق بأن يطالب زيد باسقاط قرضه؟

سؤال واحد محترق قلبه: كم من الانفس يراد لها أن تزهق في العراق ولبنان حتى ننام مثل ريما؟
لله درك يا ريما

سؤال "ألسني": ألم تلاحظوا بأن بدر الحميضي ونبيه بري وميشال المر.. ينطقون حرف "الدال" بنفس الطريقة؟
دندرمة.. دندرة... دردور.. دود... دغدغة... دبدوب.. داليدا... مودماني
deodorant... David... didn't... Dundee... dubbed... dad

سؤال لا بد منه: اللي اختشوا ماتوا... وين دفنوهم؟

  • There will be no "post a no secret" post for December, until Papillona posts again
وقد أُعذر من أَنذر

Saturday, November 18, 2006

حتى أنت يا آي دِب

دعوت لألقاه فقال الدهر آمينا
- ابن زيدون بتصرف

10 minutes to setup + 5 more to customize.
That's what every Personal Computer (with a capital P) should be like!

I'd like to thank those who helped me getting it so fast
(one of them loves أبا الحكم بن هشام the very inactive blogger)

as well as Jackie, MG, Ms.Baker, Mark & 3baid... your blogs were of great help.

Now, shall I name it Brutus, Almanzor, Averroes, Sibawayh or Gibran?

time to sleep...

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Good NEWS ?!

Saddam Hussein

Maybe things get better when I’m strained from blogging.. why?

- Saddam was sentenced to DEATH.
للأسف لا يوجد في القانون العراقي عقوبة أسوء من الاعدام

- Emaratis are going to VOTE for the first time in their lives next month.
السعودية مو أحسن منهم

- Kila Ma6goog e-published 4 outstanding analytical posts about Kuwait in 2006-2007 (read: 1234), and Bo Jaij too (read).

- BuMaryoum, BuNaz & Lamya are back.

- Apple released the Macbook update.
Mabrook Jackie :)

- The weather got cooler & better in Kuwait.
“19C” on my car’s dashboard is a relaxing sight.

- K, W, Tata & Cosimfree911 are one year older & wiser.

- MM got his 15 minutes of fame.
منها للاعلى

But bad things happen too… I’ll keep them to myself.

Did I forget something?
Forgive me if I did.


Today (11/11) marks/marked the 42nd Anniversary of Kuwait’s Constitution.
ألا ليت "أبو الشباب" يعود يوما فأخبره بما فعل "الشبيبة" - أبو العتاهية بتصرف


Don’t miss Stewart Lee’s “What's Wrong With Blasphemy?
Part 1: watch - download
Part 2: watch - download
Part 3: watch - download
Part 4: watch - download

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

لا اخفيكم سرا

Punjabi Halloween 2004, originally uploaded by iDip.

My November2006 contribution to Papillona's "post a no secret".

"Punjabi" (or "Banjabi") is a local term used in Kuwait to describe a two-pieces Pakistani Men's dress, it looks like this... almost.

Speaking of clothes, I'm going through a "Rooms switching process", so I have no wardrobe and in few days..... no PC.
I'll be living like a refugee or an IDP at home. (sounds like iDip?)

In addition, my friends & I are planning to set up a desert camp this year.. preparations are
على قدم وساق

so I may not be blogging as "frequent"! :p

Back to the subject... what is Halloween?

إنه عيد للنصارى واليهود ومن لف لفهم من أهل الشرك والجحود، وزمرة من المسلمين بين ضالٍ عن الدين وشَرود
يرتدون فيه من اللباس كل بشع وقبيح، ويختلطون رجالا ونساءً بجرمهم الواضح الصريح
ويمجدون فيه المشعوذين والسحرة، ويمارسون فيه سنن المشركين والكفرة
أعاذنا الله وإياكم منه، وجعلنا من عباده الاخيار البررة

Happy Halloween :)