Gordon Brown will try his utmost, I'll do the same with blogging.
This week, everyone -except Kuwaiti Bloggers- seems interested with 10 Downing Street (an exaggeration?). Tony Blair departed, his rival/mate Gordon Brown took over, choosing a "young" (42yrs old) Foreign secretary, the new Government is likely to be less pro-American, with increased focus on climate change & economy. (listen to the BBC World Service, in Kuwait, on 100.1 FM).
So, the theme of this post is British Politics. I'll try to compare* it with ours, or let's say "Kuwaitize" it, with an iDipist touch.
Little objectiveness ahead!
Chosen by the people, summoned by the Monarchvs.Designated by the Amir
Chosen by and according to the parliamentary majority
Chosen by the PM, approved by the Amir
PM, Chancellor (Treasury), Home Secretary & Foreign Secretary (Great Offices of the State)
PM, Defense, Interior & Foreign Affairs portfolios (Held by the Ruling Family members - a praxis)
(the rest will be about the House of Commons & Kuwait's National Assembly)
(current number of MPs is bracketed)
2 major parties (554), a smaller party (62), various "mini" parties (29) & infrequent independents (1) Link
Mainly independents(20+/-), MPs with ideological backgrounds(16+/-), plus some partisans (14) Link - Illustration
The second major party in the Elections (HM Loyal Opposition)
Case-by-case opposition (Personal feuds are a recurrent source of opposition)
a regular & enjoyable procedure
(watch: PMQs)
paralyzing, annoying, graphic, personal & lengthy (sometimes... funny, loathsome & frivolous)
Elected by his party (Currently 3: Government (L), Opposition (C) & a Liberal Democrat)
Each bloc has an assigned coordinator, who frequently acts as a whip (Islamist:أحمد باقر, Populist:مسلم البراك, National:مشاري العنجري & Independent:طلال العيار)
The Government, the Opposition (Shadow Cabinet), leading Liberals & Whips
The Government, plus Veteran, outspoken, staunch loyalists and/or opposition MPs
أحمد السعدون-محمد الصقر-ناصر الصانع-عدنان عبدالصمد-ضيف الله بورمية-عادل الصرعاوي-وليد الطبطبائي
New MPs, senior ex-ministers and/or constituency-focused MPs
at least 15, the most "remarkable" of them are:
أحمد الشحومي-أحمد لاري-علي العمير-وليد العصيمي-غانم الميع-جمال العمر-راعي الفحماء-محمد المطير-جابر المحيلبي-مرزوق الغانم-مزعل النمران
* In University, I had D+ in Comparative Politics.
مشهد و أغنية من مسرحية ممثل الشعب
الشاطر فيكم يعرف بو ذياب