Monday, March 10, 2008

Week 7/26

I upgraded my laptop's RAM from 1GB to 2GB.  I was scared to death while installing the new chips myself, I feared losing my dear Gibran with a spark of static electricity
بس عدت على خير

I know that I'm falling behind schedule and didn't post my 'week 8/26' pictures yet, but I'm really having hectic and busy days.  So, for the following 2 weeks my cyber existence will depend on internet & time availability in the places I'm visiting on a semi-formal road trip.

As for you,
Please dear bloggers, I don't want to check back on you to found some of you quitting or waging 'wars' among yourselves. You are grown-ups, don't you think so!?
and if you fail to pass this provocative period of "Sectarians, [supposedly] patriots, traitors" ...etc, I don't know what are you going to be able to pass.

و إليكم أبيات متفرقة من قصيدة للشاعر فهد بورسلي، عسى أن يعي معناها العقلاء

آسف على الطيب تردى حاله
ولّا الردِي، ما مِن عليه حْسافة
حِنّا تقاطعنا وشِلنا نفوسنا
والزود خلانا على مهيافة
من داخل الداخل وبار بجنسه
كِلٍ على اكتافه يشيل احتافه

As for Week 7 updates:
- I had a writing exam in french (level: false beginners)
- Upgraded my laptop's RAM
and It was a relatively boring and tiring week


Mother Courage said...

we're arabs .. we give up easily and always say we're quitting! و بعدين نرد بكلمتنا ... وجه منتشب على قولة الأوليين

et J’ai etudie le francais quand j’ai ete jeune =)

Arfana said...

Soooo you've had one boring week and you're back to blogging??


As for the dispute going on, i think we lack trust. I, for one, mistrust 7adas people, so if any of them does the least stupid error (oh and they're plenty) i would react strongly.

I don't mistrust anyone else.

Here's the problem with some of the fellow blogger, they mistrust shee3a, they mistrust ta7aluf, they mistrust a lot of people lol

Who do we have left to trust? :-)

PS. trust is different than agreement

Sorry longest comment in a while...m7tarra shasawi?

O i miss commenting here so what the hell :-)

Unknown said...

كيف يسمي الشيعة حفيد إبليس عذا بالحاج وهو الممنوع من دخول بلاد الحرمين ومطلوب القبض عليه من أكثر من 42 دولة إلا إذا كان حجه إلى مقام مولاه إبليس في جنوب لبنان.... و أخيراً وليس آخراً من لم يعجبه كلامي فليخبط رأسه بالحيط أو يشرب من ماء الخليج العربي الذي لوثه الفرس بالإشعاعات النووية .
للتواصل :-
و لمشاهدة خنزير آخر غير مغنية :-
و إلى جهنم ي عماد مغنية

hammoodee said...

err ummm 'ram' is 'war' if u twist the m and the r and umm...get it? ;) well good luck and good night i guess